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News in 2019

What you need to know about erectile dysfunction.

      Mr Paul Erotocritou Consultant Urological Surgeon of Highgate Private Hospital on Erectile Dysfunction    What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? Erectile dysfunction sometimes called impotence, is when a…

Date: 29/10/2019
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5 top tips to tackle back pain

What is causing my back pain? It is estimated that up to 84% of adults in the UK will have back pain at some time during their lives, with up…

Date: 23/09/2019
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Checking your moles: What you need to know

What are moles? Moles are generally harmless growths that occur when skin cells that contain melanin, the pigment that colours your skin, clump up instead of spreading out evenly. This…

Date: 30/08/2019
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