Reviewed by: Mr Oliver Wiseman

What is raised PSA?

PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is a protein produced by the prostate gland. An elevated level may be a sign of prostate cancer, however it is also increased by other conditions, such as urinary tract infection, benign enlarged prostate or prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate.

What are the symptoms of raised PSA?

Symptoms can vary greatly and patients may be referred with symptoms such as poor flow, having to pee very often, waking in the night, or rushing to go.

Frequently, it is not the raised PSA or the prospect of prostate cancer causing the symptoms, it is other more benign issues, however, they may be linked so it’s imperative to check.

How is raised PSA diagnosed?

A blood test sample will determine your PSA level.

What if I have a raised PSA?

You can be referred to one of our top consultants. After an initial chat, we would examine the prostate and undertake a flow test to measure how quickly you are peeing. We also scan the bladder afterwards to check the amount of urine retained.

What happens next?

We use the latest 3T multi-parametric MRI to investigate the cause of the raised PSA. This will determine whether a biopsy is necessary, and if so it will be a transperineal biopsy, which avoids the back passage and reduces the risk of infection. This is much less invasive and only requires a day visit.

Can I have regular checks?

We would always encourage check-ups, especially if there is a family history. Many men now have their blood checked for raised PSA as a matter of healthcare maintenance.